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One Response to "Контакты"

  1. TurtleShroom Posted on Friday December 9th, 2016 at 23:38

    Good afternoon and Merry Christmas.

    I have heard that your firm assists the «Yes California Movement» that seeks to have California secede from the Union.

    You are said to have ties to Louis Marinell, a Russian expatriate from the USA, and are assisting in his secession initiative.

    My culture has deep ties to secession movements, and as such, I have long supported secessionist sympathies in Crimea, Novoroyssia, Donetesk, Ossetia, and more.

    I strongly support this iniative. Although your institution differs strongly in ideology in contrast to me, we find a common goal in secession movements and Russian seizure of Donetesk and Crimea, etc., and Russian aid of Syria against Obama/Clinton terrorists.

    I look forward to your reply.

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