

Специальное заявление

В этом году Антиглобалистскому движению России исполнилось десять лет! За все годы работы члены организации проявили себя, как идейные и пассионарные активисты. Члены движения принимали участие в различных митингах, благотворительных акциях, а так же в научно-практических конференциях по всему миру. Результаты работы Антиглобалистского движения России были высоко оценены лидерами многих ближневосточных и латиноамериканских стран. 29…

A statement in support of the Plurinational state of Bolivia

STATEMENT Representatives of the Russian Anti-Globalization movement in response to the situation in America caused by the policy of interventionism, colonialism and brutal aggression the international and national right-wing forces in Latin America and the Caribbean, wish to Express the following in respect of the Plurinational state of Bolivia: We Express our protest against the…

The Anti-globalization Movement of Russia prepared Petition to the UN

The anti-globalization movement of Russia and participants of the conference “The Dialogue of Nations. The right of peoples to self-determination and building of a multipolar world” have prepared a petition. We appeal to the United Nations for taking it into consideration and complying requirements stated in the petition. Petition to the UN

The second international conference “The dialogue of nations: the right of peoples to self-determination and building a multipolar world” was held in Moscow 25th of September, 2016.

On 25th of September, 2016, the Anti-Globalization Movement of Russia arranged the second international expert conference to bring together more than two dozen political figures from regions that were striving for independence and self-determination. The conference organized in the format of an expert panel discussion. The event was unique to Moscow because it was the second…

The United States will do everything to ensure that any convicted Russian citizen there is not to be released

The head of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, Alexander Konovalov, believes that Russian citizens Viktor Bout and Konstantin Yaroshenko are illegally in custody in the United States. “We have recently examined the requests about Russian citizens Yaroshenko and Bout who, we believe, were illegally convicted, at least with departures from the international law and the…