

A statement in support of the Plurinational state of Bolivia

STATEMENT Representatives of the Russian Anti-Globalization movement in response to the situation in America caused by the policy of interventionism, colonialism and brutal aggression the international and national right-wing forces in Latin America and the Caribbean, wish to Express the following in respect of the Plurinational state of Bolivia: We Express our protest against the…

The Anti-globalization Movement of Russia prepared Petition to the UN

The anti-globalization movement of Russia and participants of the conference “The Dialogue of Nations. The right of peoples to self-determination and building of a multipolar world” have prepared a petition. We appeal to the United Nations for taking it into consideration and complying requirements stated in the petition. Petition to the UN

AGM comrades from UNAC visited the memorial in Odessa on 2 May, 2016

Three members of UNAC’S delegation traveled to Odessa on the Black Sea to help monitor the May 2 memorial in Kulikovo Square. The delegation included three brave comrades Bruce Gagnon, who coordinates a global network opposing nuclear weapons in space; Phil Wilayto, editor of The Virginia Defender newspaper: and Regis Tremblay, an independent documentary filmmaker…

Ломбардо: Мы знаем — правительство США виновато в перевороте на Украине

Основатель Объединенной Национальной Антивоенной Коалиции США (UNAC) Джо Ломбардо рассказал ФАПН, что американцы и американские правозащитники думают о событиях 2 мая в Одессе. Джо Ломбардо, координатор и основатель главной антивоенной коалиции в США, ответив на вопросы Федерального агентства политических новостей, пролил свет на события 2 мая 2014 года в Одессе с точки зрения американской правозащитной организации…

Black is Back Coalition National Conference was a success!

April 9, 2016, The Black is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations’ Annual National Conference took place at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church in Harlem (NY) . The free day-long conference titled “The 2016 Elections and the Struggle for Self-Determination” attracted hundreds of Harlem residents, as well as leaders of African self-determination movement and…